Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Arsip Soal UAS 2010-2011 (Kelas 9)

Bahasa Inggris  Kelas IX
1.      Isikan Nomor UAS dan Nama Peserta pada lembar jawaban
2.      Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum menjawab
3.      Laporkan kepada pengawas jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak lengkap
4.      Periksalah jawaban sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas Ujian Akhir Sekolah

I. Read the text below then answer the questions.
Benedict Allen, A Modern Explorer
Benedict Allen was born in England in 1960. His father was a pilot, and Benedict dreamed of travelling around the world like his dad. His dreams came true – Benedict became an explorer. But he doesn’t travel the world in an airplane. He finds a place he wants to explore, and then he lives with the local people. He learns important skills from them, and then uses those skills to explore the place he’s visiting. He doesn’t use modern things like cell phones, and he likes to travel alone.
Benedict’s explorations are often dangerous, but he likes them. One of his favorite adventures was in 2001. He wanted to be the first person to travel alone across the ice from Siberia to Alaska. So, he went to Siberia and lived with the Chuckchi people. He learned how to drive a dog team and live like the people. He travelled 622 miles (1,000 kilometers) with only a dog team. The weather was really bad. There was a lot of snow, wind, and ice, so the journey was very difficult. Benedict almost lost the dog team, and he almost died, so he ended his journey early. It was scary, but he learned a lot.
1.      Where was Benedict Allen born?
2.      Was Benedict’s father a doctor?
3.      Where did Benedict go in 2001?
4.      What did he learn how to do?
5.      How was the weather on Benedict’s journey in Siberia?

II. Multiple Choice
    Number 6 – 10, Read the text below.
     Olivia Smith and her family went to Peru last summer. They flew to Lima, the capital. They visited the old Spanish Quarter, and they went shopping for souvenirs. Olivia bought some jewelry. They also saw a lot of beautiful old things at the Gold Museum.
6. The main character of the text is …
     a. Sandra                                                                             c. Olivia
     b. Dante                                                                              d. Amanda
7. The capital of Peru is …
     a. Quito                                                                               c. La Paz
     b. Lima                                                                               d. Caracas
8. Olivia and her family bought some … for souvenirs.
     a. jewelry                                                                            c. diamond
     b. gold                                                                                 d. clothes
9. “They went shopping for souvenirs.”
     The words “They” refers to …
     a. Olivia                                                                              c. Olivia and her family
     b. Olivia and friends                                                                       d. Olivia’s family
10. Olivia saw many historical things at the … in Peru.
     a. Park                                                                                 c. Garden
     b. Mall                                                                                d. Gold Museum
11. Maggie and Charlie … very happy to meet their host families
     a. were                                                                                c. did
     b. was                                                                                 d. am
12. … did you start the holiday? Last week.
     a. What                                                                               c. Why
     b. When                                                                              d. How
13. … did he go? He went to the moon.
     a. When                                                                              c. Where
     b. What                                                                               d. Why
14. Mandy … go to the school festival last week.
     a. isn’t                                                                                 c. aren’t
     b. didn’t                                                                              d. wouldn’t

     You probably can find that warning in front of …
     a. the department store                                                        c. the office
     b. the house                                                                                    d. the library
     You can’t find this notice …
     a. at the bank                                                                      c. at the department store
     b. at the cinema                                                                   d. at home
17. to - learn - Studentsswim - how
        1      2           3            4       5
     a. 3-2-4-5-1                                                                         c. 3-2-5-1-4
     b. 3-2-5-4-1                                                                                    d. 3-2-4-1-5
18. The … makes the rainforest rich in plants.
     a. water                                                                               c. rainfall
     b. wind                                                                                d. rain

19. The rainforest have thick …
     a. timber                                                                              c. soil
     b. plants                                                                              d. bushes

For Question 20 to 22, choose the suitable words to complete the text below.

School usually (20) … at seven o’clock in the morning. All the students try to (21) …
at school on time. On Monday morning, the students have flag ceremony. After having the ceremony, they (22) … their classrooms and begin their lessons. They are free after the seventh period. Some students go home directly, while other  practice playing basketball or volleyball in the schoolyard.

20. a. ends                                                                               c. goes on
     b. continues                                                                                    d. begins
21. a. get rid of                                                                                    c. be rich
     b. arrive                                                                              d. close
22. a. go into                                                                            c. inside
     b. come out of                                                                    d. goes on
23. Arrange these words into good notice.
            herepleasepurchasesyour place
                1         2             3              4          5
     a. 3-4-5-1-2                                                                         c. 2-5-4-3-1
     b. 5-4-2-3-1                                                                                    d. 4-3-2-1-5
24. Arrange these sentences into a paragraph!
      1. How do the radio programs get to your house?
      2. it is the place that the radio programs come from.
      3. A lot of people work in the radio station.
      4. Then they go in air to your house and your radio takes from air.
      5. What is the radio station?
      6. The radio programs go from the radio station to transmitter.
      a. 5 – 2 – 1 – 6  – 4 – 3                               c. 5 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 3
      b. 5 – 2 – 1 – 6  – 3 – 4                             d. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6

For Question 25 to 34, complete the e-mail below.

Hi, Sam!
Well, Kevin and I made it. We flew all the way to Germany to begin our homestay. The trip was very long. Kevin (25) … exhausted, but I (26) … . I (27) … happy! We met our host family, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, at the airport. We (28) … excited. They spoke English really well. We (29) … surprised! I don’t speak German well, but Kevin does. I (30) … worried, but Kevin (31) … . Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt made us a great dinner. Kevin didn’t like the German food. He (32) … embarrassed. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt just laughed. They (33) … surprised at all, Mr. and Mrs. made Kevin some pasta. Kevin and I (34) … a little homesick last night, but we’re okay now. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt are great, so we’re glad to be here.
- Mike

25. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

26. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

27. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

28. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

29. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

30. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

31. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

32. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

33. a. was                                                        c. wasn’t
     b. were                                                        d. weren’t

34. … you like to join the volleyball club? Yes, I would.
     a. Could                                                                  c. Would
     b. Should                                                                 d. Will
35. … Bob and Robin like rap music? Yes, they do.
     a. Does                                                                    c. Did
     b. Do                                                                       d. Are
36. The baby girl is very lovely …
     a. isn’t she?                                                             C. aren’t they?
     b. doesn’t she?                                                        d. does she?
37. Father paints the wall every day, …
     a. doesn’t he?                                                          c. does he?
     b. didn’t he?                                                                        d. did he?
38. I have two bicycles. One is black and … is blue.
     a. other                                                                    c. another
     b. the other                                                              d. the another
39. If you give … water to the flowers, they will die.
     a. many                                                                   c. too many
     b. much                                                                   d. too much
40. Anwar        : Would you buy me a battery, please?
     Doni            : Sure
     Anwar         : …
     a. sorry                                                                    c. thanks
     b. really?                                                                 d. pardon?
Heavy traffic in Cawang

     It is meant …
     a. to give warning about an accident in heavy traffic
     b. to forbid the drivers to enter the free way in Cawang.
     c. to allow the drivers to enter the free way in Cawang.
     d. to inform the people so that they can choose a better route
42. Anita          : Will you go to Jakarta by train?
     Nani                        : … , because I haven’t got the ticket yet.
     a. Sure                                                                     c. I’m not sure
     b. Certainly                                                             d. Yes, that’s right
43. Many people in Africa will have no water when there is a long …
     a. flood                                                                   c. drought
     b. storm                                                                   d. spring

For Question 44 to 47, complete the dialogue below.
Andrea             : Hi, Felipe. How (44) … your break?
                          Was it (45) …?
Felipe               : Yeah, very. I went to dude ranch with my friends.
Andrea             : Cool! Were you there all week?
Felipe               : Yes, I was.
Andrea             : Was it a big ranch?
Felipe               : No, it (46) …, but I was never bored. We (47) …  everyday
                          and had a campfire everynight. What about your break? Was it fun?
Andrea             : Yes, it was terrific. I went to New York with my family.
Felipe               : Great…!! Oh no! The bell’s ringing. We have to go to class. Let’s talk more later.

44. a. was                                                                    c. is
     b. am                                                                       d. are

45. a. exciting                                                              c. embarrassed
     b. frustrated                                                                        d. homesick

46. a. Was                                                                    c. Were
     b. Wasn’t                                                                d. Weren’t

47. a. ate                                                                      c. bought
     b. slept                                                                    d. rode

48. to Today homestay we to flew Puerto Rico our begin
       1      2           3         4  5     6             7           8     9
     a. 2-4-6-5-7-1-9-8-3                                                            c. 2-4-6-5-7-1-8-9-3
     b. 4-2-6-5-7-1-9-8-3                                                           d. 2-4-6-7-5-9-3-1-8

49. Jakarta Post, Indonesia Times, New York Times are kinds of …
     a. magazine                                                             c. comic
     b. newspaper                                                           d. tabloid

50.  Arrange these sentences into good paragraph!
     1. The rainfall makes the rainforest rich in plants.
     2. The rainfall also makes wild animals enjoy living there.
     3. There are many tropical rainforest in Papua and Kalimantan.
     4. There are between 200 and 300 different trees in the forests.
     5. On the two islands, it rains almost everyday.
     a. 3-5-4-1-2                                                             c. 3-5-4-2-1
     b. 3-5-1-4-2                                                                        d. 3-5-2-1-4

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